Through our onsite Community Advising Network (CAN) counselor, we provide ways to support your mental health and wellness.
CAN Counseling
Cresencia Cruz, CAN Counselor, is available to see students. She offers mental health and wellness resources. In collaboration with Student Health and Counseling Services, Cresencia brings a wealth of experience in providing students with comfort and support.
To schedule an appointment with Cresencia, please scehdule an appointment with her through your Health E-Messaging portal, or email her at She is available Monday - Friday, in-person and virtually, and is accepting appointments starting at 8:00 a.m. with the last offering at 5:30 p.m.
Wellness Wednesdays
Led by CAN Counselor Cresencia Cruz, Wellness Wednesdays provide an opportunity for students to gather, learn, and discuss different topics in the realm of mental health. Programming is shaped by the needs of students, and can take various forms such as talking circles, guided meditation, and other similar events and topics.
Wellness Wednesdays TBD
Crisis Support
Students in crisis with an immediate need for support may contact the free, 24/7 Crisis Text Line by texting RELATE to 741741.
The Yolo Country 24-hour suicide prevention line can be contacted for free at 530-756-5000.
Each Aggie Matters is UC Davis' Mental Health Movement uniting the campus community in an open and affirming dialogue about mental health. This Movement brings together students, scholars, staff, faculty, and other UC Davis affiliates to collectively raise mental health awareness, de-stigmatize mental illness and cultivate mental health as a state of flourishing.
StrongHearts Native Helpline 1-844-7NATIVE (762-8483) is a 24/7 safe, confidential and anonymous domestic, dating and sexual violence helpline for American Indians and Alaska Natives, offering culturally-appropriate support and advocacy.
Two Spirit and LGBTQ+ Support
Two Spirit and LGBTQ+ Community: We R Native
Two Spirit and LGBTQ+ Health with NPAIHB Indian Leadership for Indian Health
Other Resources